Slow Down After Baby

Slow Down After Baby

When can I start exercising again? How long do you think I have to keep the baby in the house and away from people?  How soon can we start having sex again? How young is too young if we wanted to go away? When can I start pumping breastmilk?  How soon will the baby...
Learning That I Am Enough

Learning That I Am Enough

I recently attended a conference put on by my new certification organization ProDoula. It was an amazing few days of speakers and breakout sessions, people who loved and supported each other. Every person was there to help ensure that we all had the tools we needed to...
I Don’t Care How You Want To Give Birth!

I Don’t Care How You Want To Give Birth!

OK, maybe that came out wrong. I care about how you want to give birth. If you tell me you want to have your baby in a certain way I’ll care very much about that and help you with that kind of birth. What I don’t care about is what I think about your way...
Only A Doula’s Son

Only A Doula’s Son

Well, we do tell them they can do anything! Son: “Should I make a cafe?” Doula: “That might be an awesome thing to do when you are an adult!” Son: “I will make a cafe and be a doula and maybe I’ll be a video game creator,...