How To Find A Perinatal Therapist

How To Find A Perinatal Therapist

You haven’t been feeling well lately, eh? And you’ve been thinking it’s time to do something about it, right?  Then it’s a really good thing you’re here.  When you are sick you go to the doctor or a clinic or the hospital. But...
You Should Have A Salty Bottom!

You Should Have A Salty Bottom!

I love my sitz bath! The day after I had my first son my vagina felt like it had been stretched over a garbage bin like a too small grocery sack. It was sore and felt like it was somehow a different shape. Oh! Let’s notΒ forget the stitches! *Warning!!!* We will...
Things Found In My Son’s Diapers

Things Found In My Son’s Diapers

We moms are notorious for examining the contents of diapers. It starts almost immediately after birth when nurses, midwives and pediatricians ask us, every single time they see us, “has he been wetting his diaper? How many times? Has the urine been concentrated?...
Recipe Time: Easy Thai Slaw

Recipe Time: Easy Thai Slaw

It’s hard getting good food into yourself when you suddenly find yourself alone with your new baby.Β  Those kids do not like being put down! Today’s Recipe Time recipe is a great protein and vegetable rich salad with lots of flavour that will provide you...